Loading time

Page loading time is a calculation that gives us an Idea of how fast a page is loading in completely for the client from a given location. Google guidelines from 2013 onwards have a major focus on loading times and this is trend we think will be more important in the future.  when checking page speed make sure you check from the counties where your main target audience is. It's pointless to check from Europe if you are .au domain which is only targeted at Australians . AWS offers some amazing DNS solutions via route 53 to solve this problem for sites that work in multiple continents.   Top tools that we use to distinguish loading times are dotcom-monitor which is one of the best tools for page loading time . This tools not only gives you a localized loading time for 24 locations it also gives you a global average loading time if you use a company like mindmyhost which can help you set up a multiple server set up you can achieve global averages of under 2 seconds in a month with cloud hosting webpagetest is an important tools to test web architecture, it also has many nodes and provides some valuable information about first byte another common problems that webmasters seem to ignore. Pingdom tools is another popular favorite for web developers but it has limited number of edge locations and cannot give a global average.   Save Save

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